All right, we’re back to Slovakia. We are back to our home… sort of. Without any exaggeration, since we moved to “land of the maple leaf” we consider Canada our second homeland. No confusions in counts, we’ve lived there exactly for one year. Continuously. What an amazing, exciting, adventurous, but most of all enriching year worth every penny it was. We wish this story will be continued…
At the same time and from very deep of our hearts, we feel very committed and grateful to all of you guys, good souls, who guided and helped us during that period of time. Honestly, you’ve made Canada our beloved place!
Our big THANK YOU goes to: Joe & Eva, Latso, Elenka & Jack, Lukas & Aman, Stefan & Irenka, Viola & Jozko, Jean-Marc, Jackson and the rest of Ikonica, Mima & Paul, and to many, many others…
Matus, tak aj vy ste sa vratili??? Este nelutujes? Alebo uz planujete navrat?
Ahoj Terez, prisli sme na mesiac, ja idem o tyzden naspat. V principe, sme v procese vybavovania si trvalejsich viz. Vy ako, zvykli ste si tu?
Nie, vobec, tri roky su asi moc dlha doba na to, aby si clovek od tohto vsetkeho neodvykol a potom sa nestaci cudovat. Sme tu 9 mesiacov a zatial sa to nezlepsilo. Lutovali sme navrat velmi, ale na druhej strane som bola stastna, lebo som este mohla stravit tri mesiace s otcom, ktory nam v novembri necakane zomrel vinou tohto zdravotnictva. Uvidime, ci tu dokazeme zostat…