Posts Tagged folklore

House of Traditional Dances

House of traditional dances with concert and initiation ceremony of the new CD of traditional songs played by Banda „Na Mijave na rínečku”.

Dances: “verbunk a čardáš” from village Priepasné (region Myjavsko), “zajačí, polka a prostá” from village Zuberec (region Orava).
Under the leadership of: Lenka Konečná a Miroslav Hanák, Alfred Lincke a Martina Kupcová
Music: Banda

FS Technik “Z mesta na miesta”


Ahojte Technikári!

V nižšie publikovaných galériách (utorok /streda) nájdete všetky dostupné fotografie na objednanie. Kliknutím na konkrétnu fotografiu ju zväčšíte a v tomto zväčšenom režime si ich môžete posúvať šípkami na klávesnici, alebo prstami na smartfónoch a tabletoch.  Každá jedna fotka má číslo, tieto čísla mi posielajte do objednávky mailom.  Na základe toho každému z vás pripravím individuálne CD s vybranými fotkami v plnom rozlíšení. Objednávať si možete do konca júla 2015!

Cena jednej fotografie v plnom rozlíšení je 1€ (t.j. ak ste si vybrali 10 fotiek, výsledná suma na úhradu je 10€). Celkovú sumu vašej objednávky mi môžete uhradiť na číslo účtu 1699694353/0200, spolu s vašim meno pre identifikáciu platby. Po uzavretí objednávok budú CD s fotkami na vaše meno pripravené u Ľubky Meškovej. V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok ma pokojne kontaktujte buď emailom, alebo telefonicky. Kontakt nájdete tu na mojej webstránke.




Jízda králů / The Ride of the Kings

The Ride of the Kings from Moravian Slovakia is a unique tradition in the Czech Republic which is included in the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list. You can experience it during the last weekend in May in several villages and towns in Moravian Slovakia and Haná. Only in Vlčnov, where it has a tradition dating back more than 200 years, is it held every year.

The tradition of the Ride of the Kings is shrouded in many legends. According to the most famous of these, the Hungarian king Matthew Corvin was fleeing with his retinue from the Czech king George of Poděbrady. In order to not be recognised and captured, he dressed himself in women’s clothing, veiled his face with ribbons and held a rose in his mouth.

The modern-day king is a young boy with a rose in his mouth and ribbons around his head. He rides into the village on a white horse and has his retinue dance to gain the favour and a gift from the onlookers. The whole village is caught up in the whirl of events, during which you can admire the luxuriant folk costumes passed down from generation to generation.